
Press Release Ohio Auditor of State

Taylor Releases Union County Ag Society Audit

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Union County -

State Auditor Mary Taylor released the 2005-06 audit for the Union County Agricultural Society.  The audit reveals that the society did not maintain proper records for the 2005 fair admission and the final audit opinion reflects this fact. 


“When financial information is not properly documented, the public’s money is at risk,” said Taylor.  “The citizens of Ohio deserve to know how their money is collected and spent.”

In addition to the lack of a process to handle admission money collected at the fair, other significant findings in the audit report include:


• Monthly bank-to-book reconciliations were not performed on a regular basis.

• The agricultural society spent more than was budgeted by the board in 2006.


The audit notes that the agricultural society acknowledges the audit recommendations and stated that they have corrected the issues.


The Ohio Auditor of State’s Office is one of the largest accounting offices in the nation.  The office strives to ensure that all public funds are spent legally and appropriately and works aggressively to root out fraud, waste and abuse in public spending. Taylor encourages anyone suspecting fraud or misspending of public dollars to contact her office toll free at 1-866-FRAUD-OH (1-866-372-8364).


A full copy of the audit is available online at www.auditor.state.oh.us.