b'Constitution would repeat almost the It would not run over the natives tosame wordsending slavery in the do so. One section of the ordinanceUnited States.Education was encouraged.stated that: The utmost good faith shall always beThe Legacy ofobserved toward the Indians. Their lands andthe Ordinance property shall never be taken from them withouttheir consent; and in their property, rights, andA legacy is something that is left liberty, they shall never be invaded or disturbedfor the future by someone or something. unless in just and lawful wars authorized byThe legacy of the Northwest Ordinance Congress.was a nation that reached from sea to Unfortunately, years later, the lastshining sea. Before this ordinance, there part of this section was used to justifywas no method by which a territory could (make an excuse for) taking lands frombecome a state. With this ordinance, not them in Ohio, but especially in the Greatonly was a method adopted, but it was a Plains and farther western lands.method that worked well. As the nation So, with the method ready, thegrew, the method made the path smooth.nation was set to gointo theNorthwest Territory to grow the nation.Along the Ohio TrailMost early settlers wanted to live in the woodland areas. Because these peoplewere farmers, they believed that this was the best land for growing crops. Theyfigured if trees grew there, then crops would, too. Before they could plant anything, they had to clear the land. There were two waysto remove the trees: cutting them down or killing them. The settlers girdled the trees.They cut away some bark from the tree all the way around, like a belt of missing bark.Soon the tree would die.Once the trees in an area had died, Farmers removed all the bushes and grasses(underbrush) so they could plow the land. They used axes and saws to cut down thetrees, and the timber (wood) was used to build their cabins, fences, and other buildings.Logs would be dragged to the building site. Bark was removed and logs were smoothedout as much as possible. They cut notches in the ends of the logs so they could stackthem to make the cabins walls. Then they filled the cracks between the logs with mud orclay.Inside, a finished cabin had either dirt floors or flat log boards to walk on. Afireplace kept the home warm, gave light in the evening, and provided heat for cooking.Families also used candles and lanterns for more lighting. A loft, an upstairs area reachedby a homemade ladder, was built where the children usually slept.The first crop of these early settlers was corn, because it was soversatile (able to be used many ways). Dried corn was ground up intocornmeal and used to make cornbread, mush, and johnnycakesa cornpancake. Corn was fed to livestock. Some was saved as seed for thenext years crop.Ohios rich soils made farming successful. Today Ohio stillproduces great corn cropsand more!page 41'