b'about 120 miles west from the western the company, and one of its leaders wasborder of Pennsylvania. It was called the General Moses Cleaveland. Cleaveland hadConnecticut Western Reserve (or, to served in the American Revolution and insome, the Western Reserve)[see graphic the Connecticut legislature. He was(CCC) page 55] . If you compare that area chosen by the company to lead a sur-with the new Greenville Treaty Line, you veying team to the area in order to laywill see that the western part of this out its sections. They followed the rec-area had just been given to the natives. tangular system, but the townships wereThe natives had no intention of sharing set as five miles square rather than thethis land with white settlers. federal systems six miles square. Most ofThe state of Connecticut decided to the land near Lake Erie was rich andsell the Western Reserve (but not the fertile. Land south of that area tended toFire Landssee below) to the be wet, swampy, steep, and hilly.Connecticut Land Company in 1795. This The surveyors laid out a town alongcompany purchased three million acres the mouth of the Cuyahoga River. Theyfor $1,200,000. Forty-eight men made up named it Cleaveland (No one knows forOhio Townships as surveyed under the Rectangular System.Divisions of Lots inDivisions of Lots in U.S. Military District Fire Lands and ReserveGraphic (DDD) Graphic (EEE)Related in surveys of 5 mi. x 5 mi. townships each divided into four lots.Sections numbered Sections numberedAfter Law of 1796 Before Law of 1796Graphic (FFF) Graphic (GGG)Related to the Basic Federal Grid of 6 mi. x 6 mi. townships each divided into 36 sections.page 56'