b'the same values found in the Military The Refugee TractBounty Table on page 36. Some residents of Canada had sup-The USMDs[see graphic (JJJ), page ported the colonies during the American59] boundaries were the Greenville Treaty Revolution. They left their settlements inLine (north), the Seven Ranges (east), the Canada and Nova Scotia to come toRefugee Tract and Congress Lands (south), America to help during the war. Theseand the Scioto River (west). The area was refugees (people who leave one land tosurveyed in five-mile square townships find safety elsewhere) were granted landbecause the leaders felt it would be easier under the Act of April 7, 1798[seeto use this size and its subdivisions to graphic (III)] , as long as they had leftmatch the land warrants that had already Canada before the war actually began inbeen issued. Each township was divided into 1776 and had not returned to it beforefourths (quarters), like the Fire Lands, but the war was over in 1783. In all, 67numbered differently. people received nearly 60,000 acres. TheNot many veterans showed interest in tract had already been surveyed. this land. Often they sold their land without Today parts of Franklin, Fairfield,ever having seen it. Some traded their mili- Licking, and Perry counties are found intary land warrants for land scrip (paper this tract. Refugee Road in Columbus,used like money to buy land), which they Ohio, was named for it. Most of Ohioscould use for any public domain land, not state offices, including the Statehouse,just USMD land. are located in this tract.The United States MilitaryDistrict can be found in thepresent-day counties of Franklin,Delaware, Knox, Licking, Morrow,Noble, Marion, Holmes, Coshocton,Muskingum, Tuscarawas, andGuernsey.RefugeeTractpage 58 Graphic (III)'