b'sections for his services to the govern- Governing a ment. These tracts are located in Growing Regionpresent-day Champaign County.The Congress also gave some small By 1800, thousands of people hadland grants to various natives (because of moved into Ohio Country. As theytreaty agreements), to white men who settled, the need to have a solid form ofhad been captured and who had lived with government was apparent. It was diffi-the natives, and to some early settlers in cult to govern such a large territory,northwest Ohio who had traded with the especially when the governor (St. Clair),natives. judges, and secretary were required toLater you will learn about the travel so far to settle disagreements orMichigan Survey, which was not complete to establish communities.until 1836.Along the Ohio TrailOhios leaders saw some strange things as they traveled fromtown to town to check on the progress of its people. A lawyerfrom Cincinnati, Jacob Burnet, wrote about one such visit. While on their way to Detroit, Burnet and his group (lawyersand judges) stopped at a native town where the chief of theDelaware tribe lived. While there, the whites watched an excitingball game. About 100 men were playing against 100 women. Thepoint of the game was to throw a ball between poles set at theends of a field (like soccer and baseball combined).The field was five acres long! And the womenbeat the men. Says Burnet, a mammothsquawgot the ball and held it, in spite of theefforts of the men to shake it from thegrasp of her uplifted hand, till sheapproached the goal, near enough tothrow it through the stakes. Squaws1;Warriors0Highlights at eleven.page 60'