Archived Trainings

Notes & Handouts

This page houses a partial archive of the notes and handouts available from previous trainings.

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  • You do not see a training you are looking for.
  • You would like to know whether there is a virtual recording that goes with a particular PDF.
    • Note: Most trainings before 2020 were not recorded. However, you can search our YouTube channel for past trainings that were recorded.
  • You have questions about past trainings.

Course Title: 2024 Emerging Trends in Fraud Investigation & Prevention Conference

* Total Yellowbook CPE: Up to 14.0
CLE Hours: Up to 13.5
Event Date: May 6 – 7, 2024

Registration is permanently closed for this event.

* AOS certifies the following trainings are eligible for GAGAS Yellowbook CPE. However, it is up to individual accountants and auditors to evaluate whether the subject matter and length of this training is eligible for CPE from other standard-setting bodies, such as the AICPA, etc.

Course Description: The presentation will briefly explain the make up of the Special Investigations Unit within the Auditor of State's Office. We will also cover fraud red flags, various schemes as it relates to financial fraud, and proactive prevention methods one can take to prevent financial fraud.
Recorded Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 1 | CPIM Hours: 1
Slides & Notes: Fraud Red Flags.pdf

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