Press Release • Ohio Auditor of State
Cuyahoga County Medicaid Provider Owes Ohio Medicaid $432,576
Columbus – Emmanuel Ventures Limited, LLC (Cuyahoga County) failed to maintain original trip documentation and had no qualified drivers, according to an audit released by Auditor of State Dave Yost.
“What good is a transportation service with no qualified drivers or supporting documentation?” Auditor Yost said. “It shouldn’t even exist.”
The audit determined that Emmanuel Ventures Limited, LLC was overpaid by Ohio Medicaid for services rendered between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2013 in the amount of $407,743.70. The overpayment is the total amount reimbursed by Ohio Medicaid during the examination period. With interest in the amount of $24,833.27, Emmanuel Ventures Limited, LLC owes the Ohio Department of Medicaid $432,576.97.
A review of trip documentation determined that the provider failed to maintain original service documentation to support any services provided during the examination period. Auditors also examined the personnel files for all four drivers that rendered transportation services during the examination period and concluded that none were eligible at any point during the period.
In addition, the audit identified 300 paid transports that lacked certificates of medical necessity (CMN), which are required for service authorization. Auditors also noted 161 transports in which the CMNs did not certify that recipients met any criteria for medical necessity, did not include a medical condition that necessitated the level of transport, or were not signed by an authorized practitioner.
A full copy of this report may be accessed online.
The Auditor of State’s office, one of five independently elected statewide offices in Ohio, is responsible for auditing more than 5,800 state and local government agencies. Under the direction of Auditor Dave Yost, the office also provides financial services to local governments, investigates and prevents fraud in public agencies and promotes transparency in government.
Carrie Bartunek
Director of Communications