Complaints of fraud in Ohio’s governments may be made any time by any public employee or private citizen.
Ohio Revised Code (ORC) § 4113.52 requires all state officials and employees employed by or appointed to a state agency to report alleged fraud, theft in office, or the misuse or misappropriation of public money by a state official or employee to the inspector general. All other state employees and elected officials are to report suspected fraud, theft in office, or misuse or misappropriation of public money to the Auditor of State's (AOS) fraud-reporting system under ORC § 117.103.
In addition, ORC § 117.103 has been updated with new law requiring all public employees to register for training in the identification and prevention of fraud.
This is an 8-minute, on-demand training that employees can watch for free. Certificates will be provided once the training is complete. Learn More
866-Fraud-OH (866-372-8364)
65 East State Street
PO #1140
Columbus, OH 43215
* Under Ohio law, complaint forms or letters may at some point become "public records" subject to disclosure under the Ohio Public Records Act. Documents that are deemed to be public records are available to the public, including the media, upon request for review, copying, and release.
Because the internet is not secure, we urge you to send personal identifying information (for example, Social Security number, bank account numbers, or credit card information) by U.S. mail rather than via the internet. Reference the complaint number that will be assigned to you, and send copies of any supporting documents, not the originals.