Fraud Reporting & Training Required

This free training is an 8‑minute video that employees can watch on‑demand. Upon successful completion, a certificate will be provided. All certificates should be collected from employees and retained for audit.

To receive a certificate, register first, then watch the video.


Tools for Tracking

Employers are required to keep a record of the fraud training completed by each employee. Below are sample tracking sheets for you to use for this purpose. Employees also are required to fill out a Fraud Reporting Form to affirm that they have viewed the training video (see below).

Note: Employers should keep the certificates and tracking form on file to be examined during audit.

stop fraud

Bulletin 2024-005

Required Fraud Reporting and Training

What is the best line of defense for tackling public fraud? Government employees reporting suspected fraud, theft, or misuse of public funds to the Auditor of State (AOS). Stamping out fraud is a team effort, and all of us need to do our part! Under Ohio law, the AOS is required to provide training to all government employees on how to report fraud, waste, and abuse. Government employers are required to track employee’s completion of the required fraud-reporting training and maintain records of such to be examined by the AOS in the course of our audit work.

For more information, read the full AOS Bulletin

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the more common questions we have encountered since the required fraud training was announced.

Every public employee and elected official of a political subdivision is required to complete the training. Refer to AOS Bulletin 2024-005 for more detail.

Yes, seasonal employees are required to complete the training upon initiating employment.

Yes, the training may be viewed in a group. The individual in charge of training should maintain a sign-in sheet (like this sample sign-in sheet) to document each person’s participation. Note, only the primary registrant's name will appear on the certificate of completion -- that’s fine, because the Fraud Reporting Form (located under the "Tools for Tracking" above) that each employee is required to fill out will be sufficient proof that that they have viewed the training video.

The group sign-in sheet should be maintained by the political subdivision for yearly AOS audit purposes.

Again, employers are required to keep a record of the fraud training completed by each employee, to be examined during audit.

New hires should complete the training within 30 days of their first day of employment.

Entity Type Start Date End Date *
County, City, Village, Township July 1, 2024 Sept. 28, 2024
State Agency Aug. 1, 2024 Oct. 29, 2024
Traditional School, including Joint Vocational School Districts,
Educational Service Centers, & STEM/STEAM Schools
Sept. 1, 2024 Nov. 29, 2024
Community School Sept. 1, 2024 Nov. 29, 2024
All other entities Oct. 1, 2024 Dec. 29, 2024
* End Date is 90 days from the Start Date.

Your employer is responsible for tracking training requirements. Failure by any employee to complete the training may result in noncompliance being reported during your entity’s next audit.

Fraud is criminal behavior where a person knowingly deceives another for their own benefit.

Examples of Fraud:
  • Impersonating a government official to steal cash from a government cash collection point.
  • Creating fictional invoices and using public funds to pay them to the benefit of yourself or a friend.
  • Falsifying timesheets for the purpose of gaining additional compensation or leave time.
  • Falsifying financial statements to cover up a redirecting of public money to a personal bank account.

Waste occurs when government resources are used inefficiently or unnecessarily, resulting in unnecessary costs to taxpayers.

Example of Waste:
  • Local government purchases new computers for staff, fails to assign them, and allows them to sit in a warehouse for years until they are obsolete.

Abuse is behavior that is outside established business practices and standards, resulting in a loss to the government. Abuse also includes misuse of authority or position for personal gain or to improperly benefit a family member or business associate.

Example of Abuse:
  • Allowing unneeded overtime hours, requesting staff to perform personal errands or work tasks for a supervisor or manager, misusing an official position for personal gain.

The AOS has issued AOS Bulletin 2024-005 defining Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in more detail.

There are several ways to report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse of public dollars.

  • Phone: 866-FRAUD-OH (866-372-8364)
  • Email:
  • U.S. Mail:
      Ohio Auditor of State’s Office
      Attn: Special Investigations Unit
      65 East State Street
      PO #1140
      Columbus, OH 43215
  • Online: Fraud Report Form
  • Mobile App: Ohio Stops Fraud

This information also can be found at

AOS online training can be found here: Fraud Training

Upon successful completion, click “View Certificate” to save or print your certificate. Your employer should maintain certificates for AOS audit purposes.

You can retrieve your certificate by logging back into the training module and selecting “Already Registered” to retrieve your certificate.

AOS prefers that fraud reports provide the individual’s contact information so that we can follow up with the person filing the report; however, yes, anonymous reports may be filed with AOS.

Government employees who reasonably believe, and in good faith report, suspected fraud to the AOS are entitled to certain protections against employer retaliation. Ohio Rev. Code (ORC) § 124.341 extends whistleblower protections to classified and unclassified employees who file a complaint with the AOS’s fraud-reporting system. If retaliatory or disciplinary action is taken against the employee, the employee has the right to appeal with the State Personnel Board of Review within thirty (30) days after receiving actual notice of the employment action. Additional whistleblower protections are provided to state and local public officials and employees under ORC § 4113.52.

If you don't see your question answered here, fill out this inquiries form

Please understand it may take some time to respond. We are experiencing a high volume of inquires and will respond as quickly as we can.

Printable Flyer

Print out a flyer with a QR code for your bulletin board or to hand out to your staff.