Local Governments and Schools

Trainings Available

This page offers a comprehensive list of available and upcoming trainings for Local Government and School Officials. The online training library is provided to Ohio's Local Officials at no cost. Read the Helpful Tips below before accessing the webinars.

If you have questions, send an email to the AOS Training Department

  • Functionality: To pause the webinar and pick it up later, click the pause button in the Media Player.
  • Questions: The Q&A feature is available only for live webinars, and has been disabled for on-demand viewers. If you have questions about a session, contact the speaker directly using the contact information provided during their presentation.
  • Important: Participants who are required to obtain Fiscal Integrity Act hours should report their completed training in the training portal within 90 days of completion.
  • Certificate: Download your certificate upon completion of each webinar. Instructions on where to find the certification of completion are provided within the webinar.

Course Title: Food Service Management Companies: Audit Considerations and Impacts
Course Description: Explanation of the types of contracts between schools and food service management companies, the relationships established, and audit impacts.
Webinar Date: March 2024
Total Yellowbook CPE: 0.5 G — This course has not been approved for FIA or CPIM credit

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Course Title: State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF): 2023 Interim Final Rule
Course Description: Discussion of the requirements set forth by the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund 2023 Interim Final Rule.
Event Date: 10/2/2023
Yellowbook CPE Hours: 0.7 – This course has not been approved for FIA or CPIM credit
Presenter: Amanda Stidham
Slides & Notes: SLFRF 2023 Interim Final Rule.pdf

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Course Description: This client webinar provides information on the bank reconciliation process for when/how to prepare a proof of cash.
Who Should Take This Class: Local Officials
Event Date: 2022
FIA Hours: 0.5 | *CPIM Hours: 0.5
Slides & Notes: Bank Reconciliations.pdf

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Course Description: This webinar discusses the who, what, when, where, why, & how of the Certificate of Transition required by Ohio Revised Code §117.171.
Who Should Take This Class: Local Officials
Event Date: March 2022
FIA Hours: 0.25 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: Certificate of Transition.pdf

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Course Description: This course is a deep dive into the Uniform Guidance requirements for procurement.
Who Should Take This Class: Local Officials
Event Date: Spring 2022
FIA Hours: 1.25 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: Federal Uniform Guidance.pdf

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Course Title: Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF): Alternative Compliance Examination Engagement
Course Description: A brief discussion on the benefits of performing an Alternative Compliance Examination Engagement versus a full Single Audit
Event Date: 2022
FIA Hours: 0 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: Alternative Compliance Examination Engagement versus a full Single Audit

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Course Description: This webinar offers help to fiscal officers/clerks of townships, villages, special districts, and other small non-GAAP entities in preparing their annual notes to the financial statements. Per Auditor of State Bulletin 2015-007, all entities are required to file their annual financial statements and notes to the financial statements via the Hinkle Annual Financial Data Reporting System to satisfy the requirements of Ohio Revised Code §117.38 or other applicable statutory requirements. This webinar focuses on the preparation of Notes to the Financial Statements, which is an integral part of the Hinkle System filing requirement.
Who Should Take This Class: Mayors, Council Members, Trustees
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: N/A | CPIM Hours: N/A
Course Handout: Township Village Training.pdf

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Course Description: This session helps local governments communicate the vision and goals of their organizations through numbers. A forecast is a tool to provide financial representation of your government’s programs. It is an evolving document that changes as circumstances change, and helps officers make plans for both operating and capital needs.
Who Should Take This Class: Fiscal Officers and Clerks from villages, townships, libraries, and other special districts.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 1 | CPIM Hours: 1
Slides & Notes: Budget Forecasting Now.pdf

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Course Description: The presentation briefly explains the make up of the Special Investigations Unit within the Auditor of State's Office. We also cover fraud red flags, various schemes as they relate to financial fraud, and prevention methods one can take to prevent fraud.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 1 | CPIM Hours: 1
Slides & Notes: Fraud Red Flags.pdf

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Course Description: This class offers instruction on recording COVID-19 related grant funds and and looks at the impact on audits.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 1.25 | CPIM Hours: 1.25
Slides & Notes: Grants and Funds Related to COVID19.pdf

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Course Title: Internal Control Considerations for Operating Virtually and COVID-19 pages & FAQs
Course Description: It is likely the way your entity processed transactions during the pandemic was different from the processes in place before the pandemic. Your internal controls should therefore be reassessed to determine if they are still appropriate. In addition, we give an overview of information the AOS has made available on our webpage to help you through this unique time.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 1 | CPIM Hours: 1
Slides & Notes: Internal Conrols for Operating Virtually.pdf

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Course Description: You will learn to identify and compile differences between book and bank activity, by month, to populate final adjustments needed to reconcile the books to the bank. You must download or print the course handout before viewing this session.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: .25 | CPIM Hours: .25
Course Handouts: Proof of Cash.pdf
Slides & Notes: Reconciliation and Proof of Cash.pdf

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Course Description: This is a live recording of the STAR Ohio Update Webinar. It has information about changes to STAR OHIO and an economic update.
Event Date: April 7, 2020
FIA Hours: .5 | CPIM Hours: .5
No course handout or slides for this recording.

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Course Description: This session walks participants through our StaRS initiative to monitor transparency in government and discuss how to meet Sunshine Law requirements and add best practices. The initiative’s goal is to both educate and test compliance with Ohio’s Public Records Act and Open Meetings Act.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 1 | CPIM Hours: 1
Slides & Notes: StaRS.pdf

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Course Description: This webinar reviews the 2020 updates to the regulatory shells and notes. You must download/print the required handout before viewing this webinar.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 1.5 | CPIM Hours: 1.5
Course Handouts: Regulatory Statements.pdf
Slides & Notes: Regulatory Statements.pdf

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Course Description: This webinar goes over the functionality of the Coronavirus Funding Tracker spreadsheet that is posted to the AOS website.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0.5 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: Coronavirus Tracker.pdf

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Course Description: This course discusses where audit comments are reported and goes over the most common ones.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0.25 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: Common Audit Comments.pdf

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Course Description: This webinar discusses the importance of internal controls and why they are needed.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0.25 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: Internal Control Client.pdf

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Course Description: This describes audit report components and what they mean to a user.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0.25 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: Understanding Your Financial Audit Results.pdf

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Course Description: This webinar covers the basics of the single audit, including when a single audit is required, what auditees are responsible for, and what auditors will be testing.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 1 | CPIM Hours: 1
Slides & Notes: What is a Single Audit.pdf

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Course Description: A collection of six training sessions in one course. To receive credit for this course, you must watch all sessions provided in the confirmation email:

  • Basic Policies for Small Governments
  • What Is the Ohio Compliance Supplement?
  • Segregation of Duties
  • Preparing for an Audit
  • Budgetary Process
  • Pension & OPEB Census Data Examinations
Links for each of these session recordings will be in your confirmation email. Use the phrase "micro webinar collection" when entering your hours into the Fiscal Integrity Act Portal.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 1 | CPIM Hours: 1
Slides & Notes: Micro-Webinar Collection.pdf

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If you would like to view one or more of these webinars separately, you can find them below along with descriptions. Note: Officers will earn FIA or CPIM credit only after the entire collection is completed.

Basic Policies for Small Governments

Course Description: This course outlines basic policies that small governments should have.
This webinar is part of the micro-webinar collection. If you’d like to receive FIA or CPIM credit for this course, it must be completed as part of the micro-webinar collection and reported in the training portal as such. FIA or CPIM credit will not be awarded unless officers complete the entire micro-webinar collection.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: Basic Policies for Small Governments

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What Is the Ohio Compliance Supplement?

Course Description: This course provides information on what is included in the OCS.
This webinar is part of the micro-webinar collection. If you’d like to receive FIA or CPIM credit for this course, it must be completed as part of the micro-webinar collection and reported in the training portal as such. FIA or CPIM credit will not be awarded unless officers complete the entire micro-webinar collection.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: What Is the Ohio Compliance Supplement?

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Segregation of Duties

Course Description: This course discusses the importance of segregation of duties, how to identify the need, and lessons learned from a lack of segregation.
This webinar is part of the micro-webinar collection. If you’d like to receive FIA or CPIM credit for this course, it must be completed as part of the micro-webinar collection and reported in the training portal as such. FIA or CPIM credit will not be awarded unless officers complete the entire micro-webinar collection.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: Segregation of Duties

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Preparing for an Audit

Course Description: Discusses the following regarding an audit: the definition, frequency, and location; and how to prepare for your audit.
This webinar is part of the micro-webinar collection. If you’d like to receive FIA or CPIM credit for this course, it must be completed as part of the micro-webinar collection and reported in the training portal as such. FIA or CPIM credit will not be awarded unless officers complete the entire micro-webinar collection.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: Preparing for an Audit

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Budgetary Process

Course Description: This is an overview of the budgetary process for clients subject to Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Chapter 5705.
This webinar is part of the micro-webinar collection. If you’d like to receive FIA or CPIM credit for this course, it must be completed as part of the micro-webinar collection and reported in the training portal as such. FIA or CPIM credit will not be awarded unless officers complete the entire micro-webinar collection.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: Budgetary Process

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Pension & OPEB Census Data Examinations

Course Description: This is a short overview of why the pension and OPEB census data examinations are necessary.
This webinar is part of the micro-webinar collection. If you’d like to receive FIA or CPIM credit for this course, it must be completed as part of the micro-webinar collection and reported in the training portal as such. FIA or CPIM credit will not be awarded unless officers complete the entire micro-webinar collection.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: Pension & OPEB Census Data Examinations

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Course Description: This course covers what funds are, how different types of funds are used, how to create funds, and fund restrictions.
Who Should Take This Class: Newly elected, hired, or appointed Village Fiscal Officers. Experienced officers may view this webinar as a refresher, if necessary.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0.5 | CPIM Hours: 0.5
Course Handout: Fund Accounting for Villages.pdf
Slides & Notes: Fund Accounting for Villages.pdf

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Course Description: This webinar covers the purpose and use of the chart of accounts; account code structure; revenue and expenditure codes; and defining revenues and expenditures. Officers must watch "Fund Accounting for Villages" before completing this webinar.
Who Should Take This Class: Newly elected, hired, or appointed Village Fiscal Officers. Experienced officers may view this webinar as a refresher, if necessary.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0.25 | CPIM Hours: 0
Course Handout: Chart of Accounts for Villages.pdf
Slides & Notes: Chart of Accounts for Villages.pdf

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Course Description: This webinar will discuss the budgetary process, including dates; forms; processes and requirements; recording receipts and expenditures; purchase orders — types and use; transfers; advances; interest allocation; investment policy and requirements; continuing education requirements; and annual financial report requirements. Officers must watch "Fund Accounting for Villages" and "Chart of Accounts for Villages" before completing this webinar.
Who Should Take This Class: Newly elected, hired, or appointed Village Fiscal Officers. Experienced officers may view this webinar as a refresher, if necessary.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 1 | CPIM Hours: 1
Course Handout: Basic Accounting for Villages.pdf
Slides & Notes: Basic Accounting for Villages.pdf

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Course Description: This webinar covers:

  • What is Fund Accounting?
  • How does Fund Accounting work?
  • What kinds of funds are there?
  • How do you create a new fund?
Who Should Take This Class: Newly elected, hired, or appointed Township Fiscal Officers. Experienced officers may view this webinar as a refresher, if necessary.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0.5 | CPIM Hours: 0.5
Slides & Notes: Fund Accounting for Townships.pdf

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Course Description: This webinar will teach you to describe account codes and how they are created. Officers must watch "Fund Accounting for Townships" before completing this webinar.
Who Should Take This Class: Newly elected, hired, or appointed Township Fiscal Officers. Experienced officers may view this webinar as a refresher, if necessary.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0.5 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: Chart of Accounts for Townships.pdf

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Course Description: This webinar gives an overview of the different transactions, processes, forms, and requirements relating to your job as a Fiscal Officer. Officers must watch "Fund Accounting for Townships" and "Chart of Accounts for Townships" before completing this webinar.
Who Should Take This Class: Newly elected, hired, or appointed Township Fiscal Officers. Experienced officers may view this webinar as a refresher, if necessary.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 2 | CPIM Hours: 2
Slides & Notes: Basic Accounting for Townships.pdf

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Course Description: This webinar provides a basic overview of cash basis forecasting in an effort to help elected officials better plan for their entity's financial future.
Who Should Take This Class: Mayors, Council Members, Trustees
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 1.5 | CPIM Hours: 1.5
Slides & Notes: Long Term Planning Cash Basis Forecasting.pdf

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Course Description: This session provides overall guidance on recording the infrequent transactions that a Township or Village may have.
Who Should Take This Class: Mayors, Council Members, Trustees
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 1 | CPIM Hours: 1
Course Handout: How do I Record.pdf
Slides & Notes: How do I Record.pdf

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Course Description: This session will provide an overview of Ohio's budgetary process from start to finish, including budget amendments during the year; limitations imposed; and the role of the county budget commission.
Who Should Take This Class: Mayors, Council Members, Trustees
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 2 | CPIM Hours: 2
Course Handout: Ohio Budgetary Law.pdf
Slides & Notes: Ohio Budgetary Law.pdf

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Course Description: This session explains to newer Fiscal Officers some of the more common funds they will use; the types of revenues received by those funds; and what expenditures are deemed appropriate. The course will also briefly cover transfers and advances between funds along with a quick discussion of how to allocate some administrative and audit costs based on AOS Bulletins.
Who Should Take This Class: Mayors, Council Members, Trustees
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 0.5 | CPIM Hours: 0.5

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Course Description: This webinar discusses the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has on single audits. Areas covered include new funding and programs that has resulted from the Federal Acts that have passed, guidance relating to these programs, and the challenges that exist for entities and auditors related to this funding.
Event Date: 2020
FIA Hours: 1.0 | CPIM Hours: 0
Slides & Notes: COVID-19 and Impact on Single Audits Slides.pdf

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