The following AOS projects are available for competitive bidding. On this page, you will find a brief description of each project, with links to more details, project location, and Request for Proposal (RFP) deadline.
Project | Media Buying Services for Fraud Awareness Campaign |
Project No. | AOS-2025-001 |
Location | Columbus |
Description |
This is a Request for Proposal (RFP) by the Auditor of State (AOS). AOS has stressed the need to identify, report and stop the theft of taxpayer dollars in a timely manner. Increasingly, public agencies are being targeted and millions of public dollars are being lost to criminals each year. To assist in slowing this trend, AOS created and distributed a training video required by Ohio House Bill 33 of the 135th General Assembly, amending Ohio Rev. Code § 117.103, for all Ohio public employees to watch. This training program informs public employees how to better recognize and report fraud within their workplaces and the public sector in general. |
Awarded To | TBD |
Status | Closed |
Project | Replacement of Dynamics GP Financial Application |
Project No. | AOS-2024-003 |
Location | Columbus |
Description |
This is a Request for Proposal by the Auditor of State (AOS). AOS is soliciting proposals from financial management application vendors (vendor) to provide a replacement to our Dynamics GP financial application used to track staff project time for the purpose of generating billing for our audit and other services as well as generating a payroll file for the State of Ohio OAKS system. Specifically, AOS is requesting each vendor provide both the product and continuing support for the product. |
Awarded To | TBD |
Status | Closed |
Project | UAN Hardware Refresh |
Project No. | AOS-2024-002 |
Location | Columbus |
Description |
The AOS UAN organization is seeking responses on an RFQ for the refresh of approximately 2,215 computers and printers across Ohio. The RFQ also includes a services component. |
Awarded To | Xtek Partners, Inc. |
Status | Closed |
Project | CMS with a SaaS Application with Additional Functionality for the Special Investigations Unit |
Project No. | AOS-2024-001 |
Location | Columbus |
Description | AOS is soliciting proposals to replace the existing on-premise case management system with a SaaS application with additional functionality. |
Awarded To | Column Case Management, LLC |
Status | Closed |
Project | Uniform Accounting Network Application Rewrite |
Project No. | AOS-2021-001 |
Location | Columbus |
Description |
The purpose of this RFP is to select a firm to provide key resources to assist with the rewrite of the UAN application from a client server application to a hosted cloud-based application. In addition to two named resources, throughout the engagement additional resources will be sought from the selected firm. The project is anticipated to have a duration of four years, subject to biennial state capital appropriation. |
Awarded To | Star Seven Six |
Status | Closed |
Project | ODOT Performance Audit |
Project No. | AOS-2019-002 |
Location | Columbus |
Description | To ensure that the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is serving taxpayers efficiently and effectively, the AOS is accepting proposals from qualified vendors to provide technical assistance and subject-matter expertise as part of a performance audit of the ODOT’s s highway management and maintenance practices. The technical assistance work will focus primarily on an evaluation of ODOT’s pavement management program, bridge program, and highway maintenance program in relation to nationally recognized practices. AOS will include additional scope areas and publicly release the final performance audit report. |
Awarded To | The Kercher Group, Inc. |
Status | Closed |
Project | AOS Technology Performance Audit |
Project No. | AOS-2019-001-REISSUE |
Location | Columbus |
Description | To ensure that the Ohio Auditor of State's Office (AOS) is serving its clients and the taxpayers of Ohio in the most efficient and effective manner possible, AOS is soliciting proposals to study the AOS’s use of electronic tools and capabilities, including data analytics tools. |
Awarded To | KPMG |
Status | Closed |