COVID-19 Resources

Resources for Local Governments

The Auditor of State (AOS) is working to help local governments manage the financial impact of COVID-19. The resources on this page are a response to the questions and concerns Auditor Faber has heard from our local partners, and we hope they will help our clients better understand and use available resources.

COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Ends

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has allowed the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) to expire. The official notice for the end of the PHE can be found on the Health and Human Services website .

The resources listed on these pages are still relevant and useful as entities continue to spend COVID-19 funding.

Auditor of State Bulletins

related to COVID-19

Uniform Accounting Network (UAN)

User notes

Auditor of State Advisory Memos

and policy updates

Among the many consequences of COVID-19, entities may face financial reporting implications and challenges. Entities might experience volatility in the equity and debt markets as well as reduced revenue and cash flows. AOS resources in this category will include reminders to local officials about financial reporting matters they may need to consider as they prepare their financial statements.

Additional Resources Guidance

from other sources