
Press Release Ohio Auditor of State

Taylor Declares Fiscal Watch Status for Springfield Local School District

District forecasts deficit of nearly $2 million for fiscal year 2007

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Columbus -

Auditor of State Mary Taylor today declared Springfield Local School District (Summit County) in fiscal watch. The declaration comes at the request of the Ohio Department of Education following the district’s inability to submit an acceptable financial plan addressing its financial condition.

“Financial stability is crucial for Ohio’s school districts to gain public trust in the communities they serve,” Taylor said. “My office stands ready and willing to provide assistance to the district in addressing this difficult situation.”

Taylor said the Ohio Department of Education placed the district in fiscal caution October 18, 2006 due to forecasted deficits in fiscal years 2007 and 2008. ODE officials asked Taylor to place Springfield schools in fiscal watch when the district failed to submit an acceptable financial proposal to address potential deficits.

The district forecasts a deficit of $1,906,235 for fiscal year 2007 and $4,681,066 for fiscal year 2008.

Taylor said Springfield school officials now have 60 days to submit an acceptable financial plan to the ODE addressing the district’s deteriorating financial condition. If district officials are unable to produce an acceptable financial plan, the district could be declared in fiscal emergency within 120 days.