1995 Technical Bulletins

The Auditor of State's Office periodically releases Technical Bulletins to offer guidance to the government entities it serves. All bulletins since 1981 are compiled in one file, All Bulletins.pdf, for easy searching. Bulletins are occasionally updated, so some previously issued bulletins have been removed. For an explanation of the changes, see the Bulletins Spreadsheet.xlsx.

1995-018 Local Government Securities and Sec Rule 15c2-12 Amendments

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *

1995-017 Biennial Audits

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin is obsolete and is no longer applicable. *

1995-016 School GAAP Issues

Status File Revised
Active 1995-016.pdf Feb. 2020

1995-015 Ohio Educational Computer Network Connections and the Establishment of the Data Communication Fund, Fund Code 451

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *

1995-014 Attorney General Opinions Relevant to Local Public Offices

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *

1995-013 Gaap Funding Assistance

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin is obsolete and is no longer applicable. *

1995-012 Revenue Recognition for School Foundation Receipts

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *

1995-011 Additional Fee for Filing a Declaration of Candidacy for Office

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *

1995-010 Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *

1995-009 MRDD Workshops and GASB 14

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *

1995-008 Change in Financial Reporting Deadlines for Public Offices (Except State Agencies)

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *

1995-007 Federal Cops Funds

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *

1995-006 Accounting for Schoolnet, Schoolnet Plus, School Security Equipment, and School Build-ing Assistance Money

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *

1995-005 Auditor of State Treatment of Public Monies Due but Not Collected

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *

1995-004 Citations and Findings for Recovery under Changed Ohio Rev. Code §5705.41(d)

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *

1995-003 School District Anticipated Operating Deficits

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *

1995-002 Consumer Price Indexes

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin is updated annually and has been superseded by Bulletin 1996-004. 1996

1995-001 Additional $32 Payment as Filing Fees upon the Filing of Each New Action or Proceeding for Annulment, Divorce or Dissolution of Marriage

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *
* Some removal dates are not available for previous years.

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