2022 Technical Bulletins

The Auditor of State's Office periodically releases Technical Bulletins to offer guidance to the government entities it serves. All bulletins since 1981 are compiled in one file, All Bulletins.pdf, for easy searching. Bulletins are occasionally updated, so some previously issued bulletins have been removed. For an explanation of the changes, see the Bulletins Spreadsheet.xlsx.

2022-012 Revised State Fiscal Year 2023 Hourly Billing Rates and Allocation of Audit Costs

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin is updated annually and has been superseded by Bulletin 2023-003. May 2023

2022-011 Accounting for the Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund

This bulletin provides guidance on accounting for the American Rescue Plan Act’s Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF).

Status File Issued
Active 2022-011.pdf Dec. 2022

2022-010 Impact of Senate Bill No. 15, 134th General Assembly, on Findings for Recovery Issued by the Auditor of State

The purpose of this Bulletin is to clarify the impact of Senate Bill No. 15, 134th General Assembly (SB 15) on Findings for Recovery issued by the Auditor of State. The act modified the standard for when certain fiscal officers are liable for the loss of public funds. This statute will be effective for audits that include periods covered after Sept. 13, 2022.

Status File Revised
Active 2022-010.pdf Oct. 2022

2022-009 GASB 87, Leases

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued GASB Statement No. 87, Leases, in June 2017. This statement establishes a single model for lease accounting based on the foundational principle that leases are financings of the right to use an underlying asset. Under GASB 87, a lessee is required to recognize a lease liability and an intangible right-to-use lease asset, and a lessor is required to recognize a lease receivable and a deferred inflow of resources. (GASB 87 Summary) GASB 87 and subsequent amendments and guidance are codified in GASB Codification L20.

Status File Issued
Active 2022-009.pdf Sept. 2022

2022-008 Assistance Listing #21.027 Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CSLFRF) Compliance Examination Alternative to Single Audit

This bulletin is to inform both auditors and prime recipients, including non-entitlement units of local government, of the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s (Treasury) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CSLFRF) about an alternative to receiving a Single Audit pursuant to 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F, for eligible local governments. The Alternative Compliance Examination (ACE) engagement is permitted by the Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB). CSLFRF recipients that expend $750,000 or more in federal awards during the recipient’s fiscal year, and who meet both criteria listed in the Eligibility Requirements in the bulletin, have the option to request the ACE engagement be performed in accordance with the AICPA Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements (i.e., AT-C section 315, Compliance Attestation) and Government Auditing Standards in lieu of a Single Audit.

Status File Revised
Active 2022-008.pdf July 2024

2022-007 Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) Money

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin is updated annually and has been superseded by Bulletin 2023-002. *

2022-006 Hourly Billing Rates and Allocation of Audit Costs

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been superseded by Bulletin 2022-012 (see above). Dec. 2022

2022-005 Fraud Hotline

This bulletin supersedes AOS Bulletin 2020-001. Ohio Revised Code (ORC) §117.103 requires the Auditor of State to maintain a system for reporting fraud, including misuse of public money by any public official or office. The attached bulletin includes guidance to public offices about these requirements.

The system lets all Ohio citizens make anonymous complaints through a toll-free telephone number, the Auditor of State's website, a mobile app, e-mail, or the U.S. mail. All public offices, including community schools, must make their employees aware of the fraud-reporting system. Public offices also must provide information about the fraud reporting system to all new hires. All new employees must confirm that they received this information within 30 days after beginning employment. ORC §117.103 requires the Auditor of State to confirm that public offices have so notified new employees.

Status File Issued
Active 2022-005.pdf June 2022

2022-004 Attorney General’s Office Continued Professional Training Pilot Program

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin has been removed. For details see the Bulletins Spreadsheet (xlsx). *

2022-003 Allocation of Opioid Settlement Proceeds Provided Directly to Local Governments

Ohio reached an $808 million agreement with the three largest distributors of opioids. The state developed the OneOhio plan, a mechanism to ensure that any money from a negotiated settlement is distributed fairly to the communities hit hardest by the opioid crisis.

The purpose of this bulletin is to emphasize the separate accountability and accounting guidance for the LG Share of the OneOhio Opioid Settlement Funds (OneOhio Funds).

Status File Revised
Active 2022-003.pdf Aug. 2022

2022-002 Compensation Changes for Boards of Elections Members Pertaining to the 2020 Federal Census Results

It has come to the Auditor of State’s attention that there are some questions regarding how the boards of elections members’ compensation will be affected going forward due to the 2020 federal census results. The purpose of this bulletin is to clearly lay out how the 2020 federal census results will affect boards of elections members’ compensation going forward.

If you have questions regarding this bulletin, contact your regional Auditor of State’s office. You can find their contact information on our Contacts page.

Status File Revised
Active 2022-002.pdf March 2022

2022-001 Estimating Historical Costs of Capital Assets Using the Consumer Price Index

Status File Removed
Inactive This bulletin is updated annually and has been superseded by Bulletin 2023-002. Jan. 2023
* Some removal dates are not available for previous years.

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