b'Native AmericanUprisingsAlthough the British won control ofthe Ohio Country, land battles betweenThe Treaty ofthe British colonial settlers and NativeAmericans continued. Even though theParis 1763 and king of England had set a boundarythe Quebec Act (called The Proclamation Line) telling hisThe war ended in 1759 when the people not to settle in the Ohio Country,British, who had been very successful in settlers came anyway. The natives sawtaking forts in the Ohio and Mississippi the British as invaders because theyValleys, took the key French fort at wanted to own the land. Quebec in Canada. The French were com- British settlers were in dangerpletely defeated. France and England from Native American attacks. Becausecontinued fighting in Europe, so the war England had spent so much moneywas not officially over by treaty until fighting the French and Indian War, the1763. The Treaty of Paris of 1763 stated king decided the country could notthat the French gave up all land rights in afford to send many soldiers into theNorth America. wilderness to protect the settlers. AtKing George of England declared in one time generous to the natives, thethe Quebec Act that the Ohio Valley and British stopped giving them gifts.Great Lakes region belonged to the Trading slowed down. The Ohio nativesnatives as their hunting grounds. None of found their supplies of gunpowder andthis land was to be settled or purchased. ammunition were running out. WithoutClearly, the British were trying to work these, they could not hunt for food.with the native tribes in peace in order Their very existence was being affected.to preserve the valuable fur trade. Understandably, the natives becameafraidand angry.Before European TradingAfter European Trading (items they could make) (items they must buy or trade for)spears, bows and arrowsguns and gunpowderstone tomahawksiron hatchetsanimal skins woven cloth, woolclothing, wampum glass beadsmoccasinsalcoholpage 26'