b'boundaries, clearing up long-held dis- The treaty also established reser-agreements between the two nations. vations for natives who wanted to live inThe Great Lakes were to be neutral (not Ohio. By 1818, Ohios Native Americansto be used in war by either side) and to had ceded more than 25 million acres tobe used for commerce, or business. the U.S. government.America and Canada have been at peacewith each other ever since.Along the Ohio TrailBefore the Battle of the Thames, Tecumseh had told hisclose friends that he knew he was going to die in the next battle.Shawnee legend says that because of his premonition (anunexplained feeling about something that has not happened yet),Tecumseh wore a disguise into battle. He was concerned that theAmericans might mutilate his body if they knew who he was.Tecumseh was killed in the first part of the battle. Two tales aretold of what happened to his body.The Shawnee tales say that his warriors carried Tecumsehsbody away and buried it in a secret place (some say this place is inClark County, Ohio). They did this so he could someday return andlead them back to their homeland. However, the white mansversion says that his body was taken by the man who shot him andwas mutilated, just as Tecumseh feared. Today,we have no way of knowing which, if either, storyis true.This is the only image of Tecumseh we havetoday. He let only one white man draw hisportrait.Although Tecumseh fought against theAmericans in Ohio, he was greatly respected bymany and was even praised for his wisdom andcourage. He is considered one of the greatestNative American leaders in history.page 77'